

Jason Charnick

Starting at Wilshire Court Productions in 1999, Jason cut his teeth in the post department on the early James Franco film, At Any Cost. While there, he partnered up with writer/director Peter Sullivan (Jersey Shore Shark Attack, High School Possession) to produce the wildly successful short film, Stephen King’s Night Surf, one in a long line of King’s Dollar Baby film projects.


Following a brief departure to Silicon Valley to work for Apple Computer’s renowned Pro Apps Division, Jason returned to Los Angeles to work for Technicolor, one of the entertainment industry’s largest purveyors of post-production services. In 2004, with his independent spirit getting the better of him, Jason struck out on his own, editing various projects for many of Hollywood’s elite, as well as creating workflows for the popular show, Robot Chicken.


He returned to feature films in 2006, working on such blockbusters as The A-Team, Cabin In The Woods, and Ted, as well as highly-rated TV shows Dollhouse & The Voice. Never to stray far from his roots, he spent time during these projects to write and direct his own independent shorts 5:19 To Molina and Close, But No Cigar. After working on so many projects for others, he is finally ready to face his family’s past and his own future by presenting to you… Getting Over.

getting over

production stills

what they say